Given the following data type:
data FormInputH f = FormInputH
{ formNameH :: f Text,
formEmailH :: f Text,
formAgeH :: f Int
deriving stock (Generic)
deriving anyclass (ApplicativeB, ConstraintsB, FunctorB, TraversableB)
etc. come from the barbies library)
I'd like to write an instance for the FromForm
type class from http-api-data. It's relatively straightforward to write an instance directly for all f
that have an Applicative
instance (Applicative f) => FromForm (FormInputH f) where
fromForm f = FormInputH
<$> (pure <$> parseUnique "name" f)
<*> (pure <$> parseUnique "email" f)
<*> (pure <$> parseUnique "age" f)
What I'd like to achieve is an equivalent implementation that uses less duplication int he code. For that purpose, I created a value that defines the names of the fields in the form:
formFieldNames :: FormInputH (Const Text)
formFieldNames =
(Const "name")
(Const "email")
(Const "age")
so that I can write more generic code in the FromForm
instance (Applicative f) => FromForm (FormInputH f) where
fromForm f = btraverse (\(Const name) -> pure <$> parseUnique name f) formFieldNames
Which doesn't work because
• Could not deduce (FromHttpApiData a)
arising from a use of ‘parseUnique’
from the context: Applicative f
bound by the instance declaration at src/FormInput.hs:41:10-51
Possible fix:
add (FromHttpApiData a) to the context of
a type expected by the context:
forall a. Const Text a -> Either Text (f a)
Is it possible to fix that? I kinda feel it's not, mainly because the forall a.
in the signature of btraverse
seems to not allow this flexibility here.
I tried adding AllBF
constraint, but that didn't help
You can use baddDicts
(from the class ConstraintsH
The function argument of btraverse
has type forall a. f a -> e (g a)
, where f a
is the type of each field. You need a FromHttpApiData a
constraint, which can only come from f
, and this is indeed possible by choosing f
to be Product (Dict FromHttpApiData) (Const Text)
, which you can obtain from baddDicts
(provided each field of the record does implement FromHttpApiData
instance Applicative f => FromForm (FormInputH f) where
fromForm f = btraverse (\(Pair Dict (Const field)) -> pure <$> parseUnique field f)
(baddDicts @_ @_ @FromHttpApiData formFieldNames)
Minimal compilable snippet:
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies, DeriveAnyClass, DeriveGeneric, TypeApplications, FlexibleInstances #-}
module M where
import GHC.Generics
import Barbies
import Data.Functor.Const
import Data.Functor.Product
import Data.Barbie.Constraints
type Text = String
data Form
class FromHttpApiData a where
parseUnique :: Text -> Form -> Either Text a
instance FromHttpApiData Text
instance FromHttpApiData Int
class FromForm a where
fromForm :: Form -> Either Text a
data FormInputH f = FormInputH
{ formNameH :: f Text,
formEmailH :: f Text,
formAgeH :: f Int
deriving stock (Generic)
deriving anyclass (ApplicativeB, ConstraintsB, FunctorB, TraversableB)
formFieldNames :: FormInputH (Const Text)
formFieldNames = FormInputH
(Const "name")
(Const "email")
(Const "age")
instance Applicative f => FromForm (FormInputH f) where
fromForm f = btraverse (\(Pair Dict (Const field)) -> pure <$> parseUnique field f)
(baddDicts @_ @_ @FromHttpApiData formFieldNames)