I have an ALB ingress controller which has a registered Target Group for an application that I am trying to access via the ALB. However the target group binding is not getting created for the application due to which the "registered targets" under the target group always comes as 0. Also the LoadBalancerAssociated also comes as None. This can be seen from the image below.
I have the checked the ALB pod logs and there is no error w.r.t creating the targetgroupbinding.
Based on some documentation here :
I see that the ALB is supposed to create the targetgroupbinding itself:
The AWS LoadBalancer controller internally used TargetGroupBinding to support the functionality for Ingress and Service resource as well. It automatically creates TargetGroupBinding in the same namespace of the Service used.
Since there is no error in the pod logs, I am wondering how can I debug this issue?
Update 1 (Current scenario) : The ALB is supposed to load balance a number of applications. So the ingress has many services under it. The targetgroupbindings have been created for all the service except the one mentioned above.
I was able to fix the issue by adding below annotation
"alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/target-type": ip
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