
Viewing all possible Application property values

Where is the best place to look at to find an exhaustive list of Spring Application.properties list?

I have looked everywhere but I was unable to find a complete list of possible Spring application.properties list.

This link: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/application-properties.html only provides some of the common ones but I'm interested in properties that are used inside the Spring Shell.


  • Actually the provided link shows all common spring boot application properties...

    But every Spring Project somewhat cooks his own.. :)

    The best "documentation" at the moment (at least it is a complete overview) is currently/unfortunately the source code of:

    SpringShellProperties, which are the (typesafe, prefix="spring.shell") "configuration properties" for spring-shell-starter.

    Only few of them are (currently) mentioned in the (3.0.3) reference doc.