A Generic error occurred in GDI+ (Vb.NET)
Code for Save Button:
If MessageBox.Show("Before continuing, make sure you profile picture doesn't contain any material that is sensitive or controversial. Do you want to change your profile picture?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) = vbYes Then
If PbProfilePicture.Image IsNot Nothing Then
Dim ImagePath As String = Application.StartupPath & "\frmUserProfilePictures"
Dim NewFile As String = LblUniqueID_MainMenu.Text & ".jpg"
PbProfilePicture.Image.Save(ImagePath & "\" & NewFile, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg)
MessageBox.Show("Your profile picture has been saved!", "Profile picture changed successfully", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
BtnSaveImage.Visible = False
BtnChangePicture.Text = "Change"
BtnChangePicture.BackColor = Color.PaleTurquoise
End If
End If
Code for the open dialog (change pic):
Dim OFD As New OpenFileDialog
Dim DuplicateImage As Image
Dim UserImage As String = UniqueID & ".jpg"
Dim ImagePath As String = Application.StartupPath & "\frmUserProfilePictures\"
If frmUserMainMenu.BtnChangePicture.Text = "Change" Then
With OFD
.CheckFileExists = True
.ShowReadOnly = False
.Filter = "JPEG files (*.jpg)|*.jpg|BMP files (*.bmp)|*.bmp|PNG files (*.png)|*.png|ALL files (*.*)|*.*"
.FilterIndex = 1
If .ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
DuplicateImage = Image.FromFile(.FileName)
Picture.Image = DuplicateImage
frmUserMainMenu.BtnChangePicture.BackColor = Color.IndianRed
frmUserMainMenu.BtnChangePicture.Text = "Remove"
frmUserMainMenu.BtnSaveImage.Visible = True
If System.IO.File.Exists(ImagePath & UserImage) Then
frmUserMainMenu.PbProfilePicture.Image = Image.FromFile(ImagePath & UserImage)
End If
End If
End With
End If
I have a system that has a feature of changing profile pictures but if i save the profile picture it always has an error called A Generic error occurred in GDI+ (Vb.NET)
You can refer to the following code, just as Jimi's example.
PbProfilePicture.Image = Image.FromStream(New MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(ImagePath & UserImage))
Replace the Image.FromFile( ImagePath & UserImage ) part with Image.FromStream(New MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes( ImagePath & UserImage ))