I want to license my Flutter application under GPLv3. So I put the GPLv3 license text in the root of my project and named the file LICENSE.
I read in the docs for the LicenseRegistry class that
The flutter tool will automatically collect the contents of all the LICENSE files found at the root of each package into a single LICENSE file in the default asset bundle.
But I don't see the GPLv3 listed on LicensePage, so maybe I don't understand something. How do I get the LicensePage displayed by ShowAboutDialog to include the GPLv3 license under which I'd like to release my application?
Another approach is using the LicenceRegistry class to add in custom licences (called from initState for example).
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
void initState() {
LicenseRegistry.addLicense(() async* {
yield LicenseEntryWithLineBreaks(
["app name"],
"app contents", //