
How to pass the value from Pathvariable to a custom Validator in springboot?

I am having a custom Validator as follows:

@Constraint(validatedBy = CountryValidator.class)
public @interface ValidCountry {

    String message() default "Invalid country";

    String language() default "";

    Class<?>[] groups() default {};

    Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};

public class CountryValidator implements ConstraintValidator<ValidCountry, String> {


    public void initialize(ValidCountry constraintAnnotation) {

    public boolean isValid(String inputCountry, ConstraintValidatorContext constraintValidatorContext) {
        //validation logic


And the controlller method

    public ResponseEntity<Object> doOperation(@PathVariable("language") String language, @Valid @RequestBody PayloadDTO payload) {

        return ResponseEntity.accepted().body(null);

Now i want to validate a field inside PayloadDTO using @ValidDate annotation. And i want the language to be taken from the Pathvariable. Is there anyway to achieve this? Something like this


@ValidCountry(language = <language from pathvariable>)
private String country;



  • This was achieved by autowiring HttpServletRequest bean in validator class and fetching pathvariable from the bean.