My dexiedb structure looks like below.
const db = new Dexie('shipment-execution');
root: '++id,shipmentid,stopid',
My IndexedDB will look like below
| id| shipmentid| stopid|
| 1 | 6000001 | 10 |
| 2 | 6000001 | 20 |
| 3 | 6000001 | 30 |
| 4 | 6000002 | 10 |
| 5 | 6000002 | 20 |
I am trying to get all the data which has shipmentid equal to 6000001. Each time it is returning only one record (the first record ).
db.root.where({shipmentid : '6000001'}).toArray().then((d)=>{
output is only fetching the first record
| id| shipmentid| stopid|
| 1| 6000001 | 10 |
Please let me know, what I am doing wrong.
await db.root.where('shipmentid').equals('6000001').toArray().then((d)=>{
try this and keep in mind shipmentid is string or number