
JBoss EAP 6 - Cannot set debug level loging, JBAS014612: Operation ("add") failed - "JBAS011539: Log level DEBUG# Secrets is invalid."

I cannot set DEBUG logging level for my JBoss EAP; web console needs passwords so I try to set environment variables. But this error appears:

11:58:38,048 INFO [] (Controller Boot Thread) JBAS015888: Creating http management service using socket-binding (management-http)

11:58:38,072 INFO [org.jboss.remoting] (MSC service thread 1-3) JBoss Remoting version 3.3.12.Final-redhat-2

2023-01-02 11:58:38,088 ERROR [] (Controller Boot Thread) - JBAS014612: Operation ("add") failed - address: ([ ("subsystem" => "logging"), ("logger" => "com.example") ]) - failure description: "JBAS011539: Log level DEBUG# Secrets is invalid."

2023-01-02 11:58:38,089 ERROR [] (Controller Boot Thread) - JBAS014612: Operation ("add") failed - address: ([ ("subsystem" => "logging"), ("logger" => "com.example") ]) - failure description: "JBAS011539: Log level DEBUG# Secrets is invalid."

I set env var, because standalone.xml uses it.

$ docker exec -i 53 grep "example" /opt/data/fuse/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
            <logger category="com.example">
                <level name="${app.logging.loggers.example.level:INFO}"/>

I set it in docker-compose file


So, what is the problem here? Thanks.


  • I have found out why. Other scripts are doing echo into the properties files like echo '# Secrets ' >> xxxx and then, find some secret and also echo after that line. And because no secret is found, this # Secrets becomes the last line of my properties file. And then it is interpreted as logging level. And after changing the script of echo, it is working and no more errors.

    Besides I have found out the password and username of JBoss EAP Management console, so I can change logging level there. Please see here to learn how to do it properly.