
What c compiler does nim use to make exe file?

Should I install gcc or other c compiler after installing nim to compile my code to an executable file or it contains? If it contains, which c compiler it uses? gcc, tcc, clang etc.

Don't get me wrong, I dont want to convert my nim code to c.

I just want to know what compiler it uses after translating nim to c to make mashin code.

I don't want to install it before I'm getting sure, how it really works.


  • From the install on Linux/Unix/macOS page:

    The Nim compiler needs a C compiler in order to compile software. You must install this separately and ensure that it is in your PATH.

    [Emphasis mine]

    So yes you need to install a C compiler for it to work. There's no mention about which compiler to install or use, so it probably uses the common alias cc to build the C source.

    You can install the default compiler for your platform and it should work.

    The Windows download page recommends MinGW, which is GCC.