Grails One-To-Many unidirectional without creating join table is not working. I tried as per Documentation mentioned here.
When I tried creating an Domain class as per the documentation its creating the Join Table. Is this a bug or my understanding is wrong?. Here is the code which I used
class Person {
String bookName
static hasMany = [addresses: Address]
static mapping = {
addresses column: 'person_address_id'
class Address {
String address
static constraints = {
And the resulting table EER Model is
NOTE: Using datasource.dbCreate as "create-drop" in application.yml file.
The unidirectional mapping w/o join table is only possible, if you invert the relation between your domain classes:
class Person {}
class Address {
static belongsTo = [ person:Person ]
I usually go that way, as it has the better performance and consistency comparing to others.
The only thing which is missing out-of-box is give me all addresses for person
-case, which can be modelled relatively easy:
class Person {
List<Address> getAddresses( params = [:] ) {
Address.findAllByPerson this, params