Is there a stable way to convert rust enum types to strings (and from strings to enum types) without the use of std or fmt?
The reason I am asking is because std appears to account for and 'bloat' the final binary size by around 33% (using cargo bloat) - leaving me with an executable almost 1MB in size for some very simple code.
Note I've already done all cargo.toml profile.release optimizations as outlined here:
Maybe this is silly but I've just took out std/fmt and used impl on the enum and did the same thing. binary size hasn't decreased yet but I haven't removed all std / fmt from all dependencies yet. Makes me feel silly for using std / fmt in the first place since it's the same amount of work either way. I think the only difference is if my MYType enum were used inside the &format! macro I'd just need to call .to_string()
pub enum MyType {A, B, /*etc...*/ }
impl MyEnumType
pub fn print(&self)
match &self
MyEnumType::A => web_sys::console::log_1("a"),
MyEnumType::B => web_sys::console::log_1("b"),
/*etc... */
pub fn from_str(input: &String) -> Result<MyEnumType, String>
match input.as_str()
"A" => Ok(MyEnumType::A),
"a" => Ok(MyEnumType::A),
"B" => Ok(MyEnumType::B),
"b" => Ok(MyEnumType::B),
/* etc*/
_ => Err("bad string".to_string()),
pub fn to_string(&self) -> String
match &self
MyEnumType::A => "a".to_string(),
MyEnumType::B => "b".to_string(),
/* etc ... */