I am trying to convert an SVG to a PNG file in PHP. In my SVG, there is some text written that is lost during my convertion process. I use Imagick for that purpose and would rather stay on that solution, but as long as it is free, i am open to alternate libraries. My code is very simple :
$i = new Imagick($svg);
$image = $i->getImageBlob();
And the result :
I assume it's something like the text fonts that are missing from Imagick during the process, especially since there is a setFont() method in the Imagick object. Unfortunately, I can't find where my font files are located in my alpine container.
What could I do in order to get my text to be properly displayed ?
So, thanks to RickN's comment, I managed to fix it.
Quite litterally I just used the very commmand in their link :
RUN apk --no-cache add msttcorefonts-installer fontconfig && \
update-ms-fonts && \
fc-cache -f
It's really all I needed to do.