
How to find out, if permission to READ heartrate using HealthKit on watchOS is given?

So I have an watchOS app where users can track their outdoor activities and that includes heartrate. All of that is working fine, but in support we sometimes get users that complain that the app is not tracking their heartrate. And in almost all the cases the missing READ permission for heartrate is the problem. Now I'd like to add a little hint inside the app, that this permission is missing so that the users will know and hopefully be able to fix the problem on their own. The only problem now... How?

I tried the following way:

let healthStore = HKHealthStore()
let heartRateType = HKObjectType.quantityType(forIdentifier: .heartRate)!
let authStatus = healthStore.authorizationStatus(for: heartRateType)
// authStatus will be .sharingAuthorized even WITHOUT read permissions and only write permissions given

but that only gives me the SHARE-permission status. I want the READ-permission status. So when in settings I allow writing of heartrate but decline reading of it, this authStatus is still authorized.

Also just trying to start my HKAnchoredObjectQuery will NOT give me an error in the result handler. It will be called once (like it would if I had given the permission) but only with empty samples. But I would have expected an error saying I have no permissions?!? But that's not the case.

So my final question: Is there a way to tell if I have the READ permission for heartrate on watchOS using HealthKit?


  • check

    To help protect the user’s privacy, your app doesn’t know whether the user granted or denied permission to read data from HealthKit. If the user denied permission, attempts to query data from HealthKit return only samples that your app successfully saved to the HealthKit store.