Hi In ItestContexts.setAttribute() the method Page Object does not get overridden by the new pages created , I want to dynamically update the the page value in ItestContext on run time
I'm using Playwright with Java to develop a wrapper framework and I have created a custom listener class implementing ITestListener to take screenshot on failure using playwright methods, I only use one Page object in my test class which I overrides with new pages as wanted , but the ItestContext page reference does not get overridden by the latest page value I have set in my test method , how can I achieve ItestContext.setAttribute to update the latest page value on run time, as per my Test Method line 3
public void init(ITestContext iTestContext) {
iTestContext.setAttribute("Page_Reference", page); //page comes from my inherited BaseClass
@Test(description = "Testing Screenshot by Overriding Practice")
public void navDishLandPage() {
page.goTo("https://github.com/"); //page reference comes from my base class - 1
Page originalPage = page; //stores page reference to later access - 2
page = getPage("User"); //Overrides the previous page reference by new Page ; getPage("Key") is a wrapper method -3
page = originalPage; //switching back to the stored page reference
Assert.assertEquals(page.getTitle(), "TTT");
Inside My onTestFailureMethod
Page page = (Page) iTestResult.getTestContext().getAttribute("Page_Reference");
byte[] bufferImage=page.screenShot();
You need to do the following:
(this is one object per @Test
method) instead of using ITestContext.setAttribute()
(which is one object for the entire <test>
tag). One or more @Test
methods come under a <test>
is your own custom method, I would suggest that you add the below lines within that methodpublic Page getPage(String text) {
Page page; //Your logic goes here to find the page to be returned.
//Get the currently running "@Test" method's result
ITestResult itr = Reporter.getCurrentTestResult();
// override the attribute with a reference to the latest page object being returned
itr.setAttribute("Page_Reference", page);
return page;