I am following this tutorial for image classification using tff. The only difference is that i am using 3d images of size 128x128x3.
During the training process i evaluate the model in each training round as seen below:
for round_num in range(0, NUM_ROUNDS):
state, train_metrics = iterative_process.next(state, federated_train_data)
metrics = eval(state.model, federated_test_data)
print(' TRAINING round {:2d}, metrics={}, loss={}'.format(round_num, train_metrics['train']['binary_accuracy'],train_metrics['train']['loss']))
print(' TESTING round {:2d}, metrics={}, loss={}'.format(round_num, metrics['eval']['binary_accuracy'],metrics['eval']['loss']))
where :
eval = tff.learning.build_federated_evaluation(model_fn)
In such a case i get results like the ones below :
TRAINING round 0, metrics=0.4614659249782562, loss=1.136414647102356
TESTING round 0, metrics=0.25431033968925476, loss=1.3862652778625488
TRAINING round 1, metrics=0.5336836576461792, loss=1.0317342281341553
TESTING round 1, metrics=0.25538793206214905, loss=1.3862823247909546
TRAINING round 2, metrics=0.6359471678733826, loss=0.8686623573303223
TESTING round 2, metrics=0.25538793206214905, loss=1.3865610361099243
TRAINING round 3, metrics=0.6370250582695007, loss=0.8408811092376709
TESTING round 3, metrics=0.25646552443504333, loss=1.3872325420379639
TRAINING round 4, metrics=0.7109943628311157, loss=0.6903313994407654
TESTING round 4, metrics=0.25538793206214905, loss=1.3889813423156738
TRAINING round 5, metrics=0.7504715919494629, loss=0.6067320704460144
TESTING round 5, metrics=0.25538793206214905, loss=1.3922673463821411
TRAINING round 6, metrics=0.7718943953514099, loss=0.540172815322876
TESTING round 6, metrics=0.25646552443504333, loss=1.3983343839645386
We can clearly see that the model is learning producing better training accuracy but the validation is frozen. What i suspect is that somehow only one class is predicted ( my problem has 4 classes).
The weird thing is this :
If i change federated_test_data
to federated_train_data
in eval()
i still get the same evaluation results but i can clearly see that for the training data the results are different.
Any ideas about this?
Is tff doing internally any preprocessing for the evaluation step?
does not work for me. The following gives me your desired output:
eval = tff.learning.build_federated_evaluation(model_fn)
for round_num in range(0, NUM_ROUNDS):
state, train_metrics = iterative_process.next(state, federated_train_data)
metrics = eval(iterative_process.get_model_weights(state), federated_test_data)
print(' TRAINING round {:2d}, metrics={}, loss={}'.format(round_num, train_metrics['client_work']['train']['binary_accuracy'],train_metrics['client_work']['train']['loss']))
print(' TESTING round {:2d}, metrics={}, loss={}'.format(round_num, metrics['eval']['binary_accuracy'],metrics['eval']['loss']))