
Does Resharper 6.0 (current version) support Microsoft Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview or can it be made to?

I've read articles that explain how to enable Visual Studio 2010 managed extensions to get them working with Microsoft Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview

Running VS2010 Gallery Extensions In VS11, Meet Git Source Control Provider

However I haven't been able to apply the same logic to Resharper. Although it's a managed extension now, it doesn't appear to be packaged in a VSIX file, so I can't follow all the steps in the above mentioned article.


  • No (For R#6.0)

    Whilst I can't find an official looking page on JetBrain's resharper web site, I did find a reply from a JetBrain's engineer

    The upcoming ReSharper 6.1 will have initial experimental support for Visual Studio vNext.

    Yes (For R#6.1)

    Resharper 6.1 has now got experimental support for Visual Studio 11, albeit via a separate download to the normal 6.1 installer:

    Blog post explaining the current level of support in VS11: