
Merge files, reverse order and replace text

I have a data file (*.js) per day with the following content:

m[mi++]="26.03.23 23:55:00|0;0;0;2720;0;0;0|488;0;3270"
m[mi++]="26.03.23 23:50:00|0;0;0;2720;0;0;0|1360;0;3220"
m[mi++]="26.03.23 23:45:00|0;0;0;2720;0;0;0|192;0;3110"

I would like to merge all files into one file per month. This works with the following command in Windows Powershell:

cat *.js > 2023_04.csv

But before merging, I would like to do a few operations first:

  1. reverse the order of the file so the time is ascending instead of descending
  2. remove the 'm[mi++]="' at the beginning of every line
  3. remove the '"' at the end of every line
  4. replace the '|' with ';' on every line

Is this possible in Powershell? If not, what would be the best choice to create a script for this?

I can merge multiple files into one file with the 'cat' command in Windows Powershell.


  • Done.

    # remove old file
    if (Test-Path -Path $filename) 
        try { Remove-Item $filename }
        catch { }
    # get all files in current directory with .js extension
    $files = Get-ChildItem -Path .\ -Filter *.js
    # loop through files
    foreach ($file in $files)
        # read file
        $var = Get-Content $file
        # reverse file
        # remove m[mi++]=
        $var = $var -replace 'm\[mi\+\+\]\=', ''
        # remove double quotes (")
        $var = $var -replace '"', ''
        # replace | to ;
        $var = $var -replace '\|', ';'
        # add processed file to result
        $result += $var
    $result | Out-File -encoding ASCII $filename```