I am trying to move from CURL to SOUP, but need help with smtp.
At the moment, I am just trying to HELO
CURL will allow
curl -X "HELO myService" smtps://smtp.server.com
I am trying to do the same with soup. So far I have:
let httpSession = new Soup.Session();
let message = new Soup.Message({ method: 'HELO myService', uri: 'smtps://smtp.server.com' });
httpSession.send_and_read_async(message, 2, null, (res) => {
const r = httpSession.send_and_read_finish(res);
But the code just hangs and I don't know if it's a bad implementation of soup or something soup just doesn't do...
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
HELO is an SMTP command. Libsoup is an HTTP client, and SMTP and HTTP are different protocols, so this won't work.
I don't know of an SMTP library that exists for GJS, but you can probably write something using Gio.SocketClient
, by cribbing from libnetclient which is a POP and SMTP client based on GIO. Or you could even try to build an introspected version of libnetclient and use it from GJS.