
How to query other tables in ARRAY_AGG rows?

I have the below tables:

I'm using the below query in PostgreSQL to retrieve all the team's players, along with the team itself and the coach:

( SELECT coach FROM "coach" WHERE "coach"."id" = "team".coach_id ) AS coach,
( SELECT ARRAY_AGG ( player ) FROM "player" WHERE "player".team_id = "team"."id" ) AS players,
    "team"."id" = '123'

This is working amazing!

But now I need to query the main_skill of the player for those players in ARRAY_AGG.

How to do that?

This is an SQL query I'm generating in my backend based on possibly asked graphql fields.

The actual result is:

id name coach_id coach players
1 The good ones 1 {1,"Bob"} {"(1,"John",1,1)","(2,"Tom",1,2)"}

The result I need is:

id name coach_id coach players
1 The good ones 1 {1,"Bob"} {"(1,"John",1,1,{main_skill:{1,"MainSkill1Name"}})","(2,"Tom",1,2,{main_skill:{2,"MainSkill2Name"}})"}


  • If you really need a json object inside players array column you can use this query:

    with player_data as (
      select player.id as player_id,
           player.name as player_name,
           player.team_id as player_team_id,
           player.main_skill_id as player_skill_id,
           json_build_object('main_skill', array[skill.id, skill.name]) as skill_json
      from player
      join skill on player.main_skill_id = skill.id)
    select team.*,
           (select coach from coach where coach.id = team.coach_id) as coach,
           (select ARRAY_AGG(player_data) from player_data where player_data.player_team_id = team.id) as players
    from team
    where team.id = '1';


      select player.id as player_id,
           player.name as player_name,
           player.team_id as player_team_id,
           player.main_skill_id as player_skill_id,
           json_build_object('main_skill', array[skill.id, skill.name]) as skill_json
      from player
      join skill on player.main_skill_id = skill.id

    See the demo.