
Unable to send email from local machine via Azure Communication Service and using logged-in user's credentials

I am trying to send email using Azure Communication Service and DefaultAzureCredential from my local machine but I am getting the following error:

Azure.Identity.AuthenticationFailedException: Azure CLI authentication failed due to an unknown error. See the troubleshooting guide for more information. 
ERROR: AADSTS65002: Consent between first party application '04b07795-8ddb-461a-bbee-02f9e1bf7b46' 
and first party resource '632ec9eb-fad7-4cbd-993a-e72973ba2acc' must be configured via preauthorization - applications owned and operated by Microsoft must get approval from the API owner before requesting tokens for that API.

Here's the code that is failing:

using Azure;
using Azure.Communication.Email;
using Azure.Identity;

var credentials = new DefaultAzureCredential(new DefaultAzureCredentialOptions() { TenantId = "my-tenant-id" });
client = new EmailClient(new Uri(""), credentials);
var subject = "Welcome to Azure Communication Service Email APIs.";
var htmlContent = "<html><body><h1>Quick send email test</h1><br/><h4>This email message is sent from Azure Communication Service Email.</h4><p>This mail was sent using .NET SDK!!</p></body></html>";
var sender = "";
var recipient = "";

var message = new EmailMessage(sender, recipient, new EmailContent(subject) { Html = htmlContent });
var operation = await client.SendAsync(WaitUntil.Started, message);

The same code works if I use a Service Principal. Here's the code that is working:

using Azure;
using Azure.Communication.Email;
using Azure.Identity;

var credentials = new ClientSecretCredential("tenant-id",
    "client-id", "client-secret");;
client = new EmailClient(new Uri(""), credentials);
var subject = "Welcome to Azure Communication Service Email APIs.";
var htmlContent = "<html><body><h1>Quick send email test</h1><br/><h4>This email message is sent from Azure Communication Service Email.</h4><p>This mail was sent using .NET SDK!!</p></body></html>";
var sender = "";
var recipient = "";

var message = new EmailMessage(sender, recipient, new EmailContent(subject) { Html = htmlContent });
var operation = await client.SendAsync(WaitUntil.Started, message);

Accepted answer provided Azure Communication Services - How do I authenticate against Azure IAM suggests that I use a Service Principal and that works perfectly fine however I do not want to use a Service Principal.

Other answer provided in the same question mentions that the user should be in Contributor role and the logged-in user does have that role.

enter image description here

Is there a way to send email from local machine using the credentials of a logged in user and not a Service Principal?


  • Converting to answer:

    Currently, the recommendation is to store the service principle information in Environment variables and not in the code. Use Azure Active Directory in Communication Services. I’m able to repro the issue, it's most likely being caused by a limitation in from our resource provider not supporting that scenario. I have relayed the feedback to our ACS product engineering team, as soon as we have more updates, I will share it here.