I'm inserting several paragraphs in a word document and the space between paragraphs must be two empty lines. As predict, sometimes one or two paragraphs are positioned at the beginning of a page. In these cases, I need to remove these empty paragraphs.
Does someone have any suggestion?
I was thinking to detect empty lines in the beginning of each page and remove them.
Instead of manually adjusting this, have you considered changing the paragraph style for all your paragraphs such that there's a 2 x (whatever your chosen font size is) space after each paragraph? This way, the spacing will appear within the same page, but not at the top of a new page.
# Note: the following assumes you already have a document with content. If you
# are creating from scratch, you should be able to apply the desired paragraph
# style whenever you add a new paragraph, using body_add_par.
# load file
dd <- read_docx("sample.docx")
# check the name of the style currently used in the document (default should be 'Normal')
# optional: check all existing styles in the document & their names
# View(styles_info(dd))
# define new paragraph style that adds 40pt spacing after each paragraph
# (assuming font size of 20pt, this is equivalent to two empty lines)
dd <- dd %>%
docx_set_paragraph_style(style_id = "Normal1", style_name = "Normal1",
fp_p = fp_par(padding.bottom = 2 * 20))
# for all paragraphs that use one or more old styles, change their style reference
# to the newly created style with large spacing after each paragraph
dd <- dd %>% change_styles(mapstyles = list(
"Normal1" = c("Normal") # new style = c(old style 1, old style 2, ...)
# optional: confirm that the desired paragraphs have changed their styles
# View(docx_summary(dd))
# save result
print(dd, "new.docx")
Sample dataset (I used the starwars dataset as the basis for creating random chunks of text since it's readily available as part of the dplyr package):
doc <- read_docx()
sample.text <- paste(unlist(unname(starwars)), collapse = " ") %>%
first = seq(1, nchar(.), by = 1000),
last = c(seq(1000, nchar(.), by = 1000), nchar(.)))
for(i in seq_along(sample.text)) {
doc <- doc %>%
body_add_par(value = sample.text[[i]])
print(doc, "sample.docx")
rm(i, doc, sample.text)