I am building a Flutter iOS app using code magic virtual machine (as on windows), as suggested by an answer to this question. But I am getting this error message from CodeMagic when building.
One suggestion I have found is to amend the podfile, but I don't have/ can't create a podfile as on windows.
Is there any way to fix this error?
Error (Xcode): File not found: /Applications/Xcode-14.3.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/lib/arc/libarclite_iphoneos.a
Sometimes Flutter plugins will need to configure their build on iOS with specific native libs via cocoapods and then need this committed into your git repo. You can do this by using the Codemagic feature which allows remote access via SSH or VNC to the Mac mini VM your build is running on which then will allow you to run the required cocoapods command and then commit the generated files and push that back to your remote git repo (eg. GitHub, GitLab, etc)
Also you can ask for help with this on Codemagics GitHub discussions, where, if you provide the build ID for your workflow that had that error, Codemagic support staff can then look up the detailed error logs for your workflow to help them assist you in fixing the issue.