I want to scroll down once and then up programatically. The scrolling should be slow and smooth. This is my code:
scroll_1.post(() -> scroll_1.fullScroll(View.FOCUS_DOWN));
scroll_1.postDelayed(() -> {
When I run the code, it scrolls down and up so fast, how do I fix this?
To solve your problem, replace the statement:
with the following:
ObjectAnimator.ofInt(scroll_1, "scrollY", SCROLL_TO).setDuration(SCROLL_DURATION).start();
You have to replace SCROLL_TO
with the position where you want to scroll to. If you want to scroll to the top, you can put 0
as the value.
is the duration in milliseconds that you want the ScrollView
to take to scroll to a certain position.
If you want to scroll to the bottom, then you have to use ScrollView.getBottom()
. Example code:
ObjectAnimator.ofInt(scroll_1, "scrollY",scroll_1.getBottom()).setDuration(SCROLL_DURATION).start();