I am trying to put labels on x-axis but I am getting 'undefined'.
this is what i achieve so far:
flatten not working, I tried separate flatten as well as one array. I need replace density values with labels.
Any help appreciated.
"$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v5.json",
"data": {
{"data": [0,0,0.09,0.12,0.23,0.24,0.29],"lower": 0.25,"q25":0.04,"middle":0.5, "q50":0.12, "upper":0.75,"q75":0.23, "names":["0","2000", "4000","6000","8000","10000", "12000"]}
"transform": [
{"calculate": "datum.data", "as":"d"},
{"flatten": ["d"]},
{"cumulative": true, "density": "d", "steps": 6,"bandwidth": 0.001 },
"encoding": {
"x":{"field":"value", "type": "quantitative",
"y":{"field":"density", "type": "quantitative", "axis":{"format":"%"}},
"mark":{"type": "line", "interpolate":"linear"},
"transform": [
{"calculate": "datum.q25", "as": "q25"},
{"calculate": "datum.lower", "as": "lower"}
"encoding": {"x":{"field":"q25", "type": "quantitative"},
"y":{"field":"lower", "type": "quantitative", "scale":{"domain":[0,1]}}
"encoding": {"x":{"field":"q25", "type": "quantitative"}, "y":{"field":"lower", "type": "quantitative"}}},
"transform": [
{"calculate": "datum.q50", "as": "q50"},
{"calculate": "datum.middle", "as": "middle"}
"encoding": {"x":{"field":"q50", "type": "quantitative"},
"y":{"field":"middle", "type": "quantitative", "scale":{"domain":[0,1]}}
"encoding": {"x":{"field":"q50", "type": "quantitative"}, "y":{"field":"middle", "type": "quantitative"}}},
"transform": [
{"calculate": "datum.q75", "as": "q75"},
{"calculate": "datum.upper", "as": "upper"}
"encoding": {"x":{"field":"q75", "type": "quantitative"},
"y":{"field":"upper", "type": "quantitative", "scale":{"domain":[0,1]}}
"encoding": {"x":{"field":"q75", "type": "quantitative"}, "y":{"field":"upper", "type": "quantitative"}}},
"transform": [
{"calculate": "datum.names", "as":"l"},
{"calculate": "datum.data", "as":"d"},
{"flatten": ["d","l"]},
{"cumulative": true, "density": "d", "steps": 6,"bandwidth": 0.001 },
"encoding": {"text":{"field":"l","type": "ordinal"},
"x":{"field":"value", "type": "quantitative"},
"resolve": {"scale": {"x": "shared", "y": "shared"}, "axis": {"x": "shared"}},
"config": {
"view": { "stroke": "transparent"},
"background": "#EFF1EF",
"axis": {"labelAngle":0, "domain": false, "grid": true, "title":null},
"point": {"size":70, "color":"#006B5B"},
Note that vega-lite not flatten names array, but does data array.
, need undefined labels changed to values of "names" field("names":["0","2000", "4000","6000","8000","10000", "12000"]) from dataset.
Please advise, where i missing
thank you
ps. Edited original question, added screenshot of current result
I don't think Fold will work with 2 separate data arrays. You will need to improve your data set with additional data and name columns then you could apply a fold.
"data": {
"values": [
{"name": "0", "data": 0},
{"name": "2000", "data": 0},
{"name": "4000", "data": 0.09},
{"name": "6000", "data": 0.12},
{"name": "8000", "data": 0.23},
{"name": "10000", "data": 0.24},
{"name": "12000", "data": 0.29}
"transform": [
"fold": ["name", "data"]
If this is not possible then you could fold your data with JavaScript:
let data = [0,0,0.09,0.12,0.23,0.24,0.29];
let names = ["0","2000", "4000","6000","8000","10000", "12000"];
let processedData = data.map((value, index) => {
return {
data: value,
name: names[index]