I want to extract only the base of a url in my SPARQL GraphDB query. E.g. www.schema.org instead of http://www.schema.org/archive
I tried matching the complete url by using the bind and replace function and then capturing the base as a group. However this seems to not work properly. I'm guessing I've done something wrong within the regex?
# What is the hosting website of the article published online in May 2001 with James Hendler as one of its authors?
PREFIX : <http://www.mysemantics.com/>
PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
SELECT ?hostingWebsite
?article a :Article .
?article :datePublished "2001"^^xsd:date .
?article :hasAuthor :JamesHendler .
?article :url ?url .
BIND(REPLACE(?url, ".*://(.*?)/.*", "$1") AS ?hostingWebsite)
You were so close! A URI is not a string, so you need to convert to a string first:
BIND(REPLACE(STR(?url), ".*://(.*?)/.*", "$1") AS ?hostingWebsite)