I have this dataset:
x-axis | y-axis | y2-axis |
15 | 9.585 | 88.38 |
45 | 9.4185 | 86.85 |
60 | 9.2655 | 85.44 |
I want to produce plot that two different y-axis in gnuplot, which is dependable each other
But, I troubled to adjust the second y-axis to the first one As you can see from the graph and dataset, the value of each points didn't exactly same from the dataset, it's just like the y2-axis just plotted there, without even adjusted to the values in dataset.
Is it possible to produce such graph?
Here's my code I worked before:
set xrange [5:70]
set yrange [9.1:9.7]
set y2range [85:89]
unset key
set xtics 15 font ",18" nomirror
set xlabel "x-axis" font ",24"
set xlabel offset 0,-.5
set ytics .2 font ",18" nomirror
set ylabel "y-axis" font ",24"
set ylabel offset -1.5
set y2tics font ",18"
set y2label "y2-axis" font ",24"
plot "Dataset.txt" with linespoints ls 1
Please check help link
. You can define a function (and the inverse of it) if you want to link axes.
set link {x2 | y2} {via <expression1> inverse <expression2>} unset link
The set link command establishes a mapping between the x and x2 axes, or the y and y2 axes. maps primary axis coordinates onto the secondary axis. maps secondary axis coordinates onto the primary axis.
From your numbers I guess that the relation between your y1-axis and y2-axis is simply a factor of 9.221
### linked y-axes
reset session
$Data <<EOD
x-axis y-axis y2-axis
15 9.585 88.38
45 9.4185 86.85
60 9.2655 85.44
c = 9.221
set xlabel "x axis"
set xrange [5:70]
set ylabel "y1 axis"
set ytics 0.1 nomirror
set link y2 via y*c inverse y/c
set y2label "y2 axis"
set y2tics 0.5
plot $Data u 1:2 w lp pt 7 lc "red"
### end of script