
Touch event triggers `:hover` in Svelte

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Hello, guys! I need some on :hover CSS changes to animate the component in Svelte project. I only need this behavior on devices with the pointer, I don't need touch events to trigger them. And I thought that's what :hover exists for. But unfortunately touch events can imitate hover. I was looking for an answer and found this one:

@media(hover: hover){
.your-class:hover{color: red}

This @media tag actually tracking if the device has a pointer or not. If not, hover event won't be executed. My question is: is it the right and overall the best way to achieve what's expected? Here's minimal demonstration repo. If you're in Chrome - RMB click -> Inspect -> Toggle device toolbar (in a top left corner of dev tools) -> select Nest Hub Max. Now cursor becomes a "finger" and you could push on the div and it will animate. If you're in another browser - do something similar with it's dev tools. Just be sure to select the touchscreen device with the screen big enough to display all the content of the repo.


  • If you are allowed to assume relatively new browsers, then this will definitely be the easiest solution. The answer to this question gives an overview of 3 different options: Using CSS @media (hover: hover), Using Javascript to remove :hover styles, and a combination of JS and CSS which is more robust (and more abstract).

    Depending on what you are trying to achieve, and what your target audience is, there are multiple solutions to achieve the same thing. So even though there is no "right" answer, your way of doing things makes sense.