I need help to calculate the average of picks/lines by an area.
The average should be an hourly average.
I have an Article Table:
| ---------- | ------------------- |
| 1 | 15deg_A_class |
| 2 | 15deg_B_class |
| 3 | 15deg_C_class |
| 4 | 4deg_C_class |
| 5 | frozen_manual_class |
And I have a pick_table:
|ID |Datetime |Picks|Article|
|-- |-------------------|-----|-------|
|1 |16.05.2023 11:50:00|1 |1 |
|2 |16.05.2023 11:02:00|1 |3 |
|3 |16.05.2023 11:02:01|1 |3 |
|...|... |... |... |
For each pick line which exists the column PICK is set with 1. One day has about 40000 picks in all.
I join this two tables like:
from_timestamp(to_timestamp(CONCAT(substr(pick_table.datetime,1,10),' ', substr(pick_table.datetime,12,8)),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'), 'dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss') AS pick_date,
date_part('hour', to_timestamp(CONCAT(substr(pick_table.datetime,1,10),' ', substr(pick_table.datetime,12,8)),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) AS pick_hour,
CASE WHEN article.classification_name LIKE '15deg_%' THEN pick_table.picks END AS '15DEG',
pick_table.picks AS picks
JOIN article ON article.id = pick_table.article;
I tried to get the average like:
date_part('hour', to_timestamp(CONCAT(substr(pick_table.datetime,1,10),' ', substr(pick_table.datetime,12,8)),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) AS pick_hour,
AVG(CASE WHEN article.classification_name LIKE '15deg_%' THEN pick_table.picks END) AS '15DEG'
JOIN article ON article.id = pick_table.article
GROUP BY date_part('hour', to_timestamp(CONCAT(substr(pick_table.datetime,1,10),' ', substr(pick_table.datetime,12,8)),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'))
ORDER BY date_part('hour', to_timestamp(CONCAT(substr(pick_table.datetime,1,10),' ', substr(pick_table.datetime,12,8)),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) desc;
And also tried it like:
WITH test AS(
from_timestamp(to_timestamp(CONCAT(substr(pick_table.datetime,1,10),' ', substr(pick_table.datetime,12,8)),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'), 'dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss') AS pick_date,
date_part('hour', to_timestamp(CONCAT(substr(pick_table.datetime,1,10),' ', substr(pick_table.datetime,12,8)),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) AS pick_hour,
WHEN article.classification_name LIKE '15deg_%' THEN picks END) AS '15DEG',
WHEN article.classification_name LIKE '4deg_%' THEN picks END) AS '4DEG',
WHEN article.classification_name LIKE 'frozen%' THEN picks END) AS 'FROZEN',
WHEN article.classification_name LIKE '15deg_A%' THEN picks END) AS 'A',
WHEN article.classification_name LIKE '15deg_B%' THEN picks END) AS 'B',
pick_table.picks AS picks
FROM pick_table
JOIN article ON article.id = pick_table.article
from_timestamp(to_timestamp(CONCAT(substr(pick_table.datetime,1,10),' ', substr(pick_table.datetime,12,8)),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'), 'dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss'),
date_part('hour', to_timestamp(CONCAT(substr(pick_table.datetime,1,10),' ', substr(pick_table.datetime,12,8)),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')),
AVG(15DEG) AS '15DEG',
AVG(A) AS 'A',
FROM test
WHERE substr(pick_date,1,10) >= '14.05.2023' AND substr(pick_date,1,10) < '15.05.2023'
GROUP BY pick_hour
ORDER BY pick_hour desc;
I don't get the result I want to have.
Result should be like:
|Hour|15DEG|4DEG|FROZEN|A |B |
|0 |2560 |500 |0 |150|1200|
|1 |3750 |480 |1 |120|1150|
|... |... |... |... |...|... |
And at least in front end I would have an output like:
|Average |15DEG|4DEG|FROZEN|A |B |
|Last Hour|4032 |2667|377 |571|3928|
|Today |3904 |2835|384 |573|3821|
|Daily AVG|3967 |2751|381 |562|3870|
How an I do that? Can anybody help me please. Thank you.
Tested on PostgreSQL, so you may have to adapt a little bit:
First, the test tables and data :
create table article as select * from (values
(1, '15deg_A_class'),
(2, '15deg_B_class'),
(3, '15deg_C_class'),
(4, '4deg_C_class'),
(5, 'frozen_manual_class')) l(article_id, classification_name);
select * from article;
article_id | classification_name
1 | 15deg_A_class
2 | 15deg_B_class
3 | 15deg_C_class
4 | 4deg_C_class
5 | frozen_manual_class
create table pick_table as select * from (values
(1, '2023-05-16 11:50:00'::timestamp, 1, 1),
(2, '2023-05-16 11:02:00', 1, 3),
(3, '2023-05-16 11:02:01', 1, 3)) l(id, datetime, picks, article);
select * from pick_table;
id | datetime | picks | article
1 | 2023-05-16 11:50:00 | 1 | 1
2 | 2023-05-16 11:02:00 | 1 | 3
3 | 2023-05-16 11:02:01 | 1 | 3
The trick is to group by classification and hour like that :
select substring(a.classification_name, 1, 5) as the_class,
date_trunc('HOUR', datetime) as the_hour,
sum(picks) nbpicks
from pick_table p join article a on a.article_id = p.article
group by the_class, the_hour
the_class | the_hour | nbpicks
15deg | 2023-05-16 11:00:00 | 3
You have also different types of aggregation that overlap each other, so we also need the following query to build the result set for A and B columns:
select substring(a.classification_name, 1, 7) as the_class,
date_trunc('HOUR', datetime) as the_hour,
sum(picks) nbpicks
from pick_table p join article a on a.article_id = p.article
where a.classification_name like '15deg%'
group by the_class, the_hour
the_class | the_hour | nbpicks
15deg_A | 2023-05-16 11:00:00 | 1
15deg_C | 2023-05-16 11:00:00 | 2
Then using the result set composed of those two results set above, we pivot it to compute the stats :
with X as (select substring(a.classification_name, 1, 5) as the_class,
date_trunc('HOUR', datetime) as the_hour,
sum(picks) nbpicks
from pick_table p join article a on a.article_id = p.article
group by the_class, the_hour
union all
select substring(a.classification_name, 1, 7) as the_class,
date_trunc('HOUR', datetime) as the_hour,
sum(picks) nbpicks
from pick_table p join article a on a.article_id = p.article
where a.classification_name like '15deg%'
group by the_class, the_hour)
select 'Last Hour',
sum(case when the_class = '15deg' then nbpicks else 0 end) as "15DEG",
sum(case when the_class = '4deg_' then nbpicks else 0 end) as "4DEG",
sum(case when the_class = 'froze' then nbpicks else 0 end) as "FROZEN",
sum(case when the_class = '15deg_A' then nbpicks else 0 end) as "A",
sum(case when the_class = '15deg_B' then nbpicks else 0 end) as "B"
from X
where the_hour = date_trunc('HOUR', now() - interval '1' hour)
union all
select 'Today',
avg(case when the_class = '15deg' then nbpicks else 0 end) as "15DEG",
avg(case when the_class = '4deg_' then nbpicks else 0 end) as "4DEG",
avg(case when the_class = 'froze' then nbpicks else 0 end) as "FROZEN",
avg(case when the_class = '15deg_A' then nbpicks else 0 end) as "A",
avg(case when the_class = '15deg_B' then nbpicks else 0 end) as "B"
from X
where date_trunc('DAY', the_hour) = date_trunc('DAY', now())
union all
select 'Daily AVG',
avg(case when the_class = '15deg' then nbpicks else 0 end) as "15DEG",
avg(case when the_class = '4deg_' then nbpicks else 0 end) as "4DEG",
avg(case when the_class = 'froze' then nbpicks else 0 end) as "FROZEN",
avg(case when the_class = '15deg_A' then nbpicks else 0 end) as "A",
avg(case when the_class = '15deg_B' then nbpicks else 0 end) as "B"
from X;