I am currently using showGeneralDialog to present a dialog popup like this:
This is all fine and good, but it happens at the root Navigator
level, and I would rather have all my views as a Go Router route so that I can control their presentation in the same way throughout my app.
How can I use something like showGeneralDialog
upon calling a route?
path: '/settings',
pageBuilder: (context, state) {
return ???;
Had the same question, found https://croxx5f.hashnode.dev/adding-modal-routes-to-your-gorouter which works well enough for me. Extended its builder by wrapping it in a Dialog
This is what it looks like for me in the end:
// dialogpage.dart
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class DialogPage<T> extends Page<T> {
final Offset? anchorPoint;
final Color? barrierColor;
final bool barrierDismissible;
final String? barrierLabel;
final bool useSafeArea;
final CapturedThemes? themes;
final WidgetBuilder builder;
const DialogPage({
required this.builder,
this.barrierColor = Colors.black87,
this.barrierDismissible = true,
this.useSafeArea = true,
Route<T> createRoute(BuildContext context) => DialogRoute<T>(
context: context,
settings: this,
builder: (context) => Dialog(
child: builder(context),
anchorPoint: anchorPoint,
barrierColor: barrierColor,
barrierDismissible: barrierDismissible,
barrierLabel: barrierLabel,
useSafeArea: useSafeArea,
themes: themes,
and used like this:
name: 'bug-report',
path: '/bug_report',
pageBuilder: (context, state) => DialogPage(
builder: (_) => BugReportPage(imagePath: state.queryParams['screenshot']),