I'm trying to run the command on the Nomad file:
nomad job run -address="" file.hcl
And I get an error:
Error getting job struct: Error parsing job file from file.hcl: error parsing 'job': 3 errors occurred:
* group: 'prometheus' -> invalid key: network
* group: 'prometheus' -> invalid key: volume
* group: 'prometheus' -> invalid key: service
Usually there is such an error if a non-.hcl file is parsed, but in this case everything is correct. Checked the dependencies of the Nomad package, granted the rights to execute the file
I solved the problem by installing the latest version of Nomad (v1.5.5) according to the instructions: https://www.hashicorp.com/official-packaging-guide (You may need to use a VPN during installation if you do not have access to the https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com/ repository)