
How to automatically filter foreign table's deleted_at = null while using join in laravel eloquent?

As it is right now ->join() is a query builder so it wouldn't using Model that has SoftDelete, there is too many codes that used join in my project so I don't want to manually replace it all with eager loading ->with(), anyone know how to do it while keeping the join?

For example I want to get a data like this without adding ->where('tb_b.deleted_at', null) to all my codes:

$data = TabelA::join('tb_b', 'tb_a.id_b', '=', 'tb_b.id_b')->get()


  • There are basically two ways to solve this

    1. By using a whereNull constraint
    $data = TabelA::join('tb_b', 'tb_a.id_b', '=', 'tb_b.id_b')
    1. Creating a global scope in your model (here, I will assume TbB Model). Add the following function in your model class to create a global scope to automatically filter your model get method.
    public static function boot()
        static::addGlobalScope('notDeleted', function (Builder $builder) {
            $builder->where('deleted_at', null);

    Then, you will do this when you need your data without the deleted data

    $data = TabelA::withoutGlobalScope('notDeleted')
        ->join('tb_b', 'tb_a.id_b', '=', 'tb_b.id_b')

    Read more on Laravel scope here: