
Adding numbers using Neural network + back propagation

I am trying to use neural networks to add numbers toegther but i can't seem to make the back propagation function working.

enter image description here

This is how the neural network looks like where W1 = x1, W2 = x2, W3 = y1, W4 = y2, W5 = z1 and W6 = z2 This is my code so far:

from random import randint,random ,uniform
import numpy as np 

class Data:
    data_dict= {}
    def __init__(self,limit):
        self.limit = limit
    '''creates data but beware that the limit may not be the same as the size of the dictionary''' 
    def create_data(self):
        for i in range(self.limit):
            num1 = randint(0,100)
            num2 = randint(0,100)
            self.data_dict[(num1,num2)] = num1+num2

''' you compare the error with every test in the data set and find weights that minimise the error'''
class Neural:
    def __init__(self,data):
        self.x1 = uniform(-1,1) 
        self.x2 = uniform(-1,1) 
        self.y1 = uniform(-1,1) 
        self.y2 = uniform(-1,1) 
        self.z1 = uniform(-1,1) 
        self.z2 = uniform(-1,1)
    def relu(self,number):
        return max(0,number)
    def sigmoid(self,number):
         return 1/(1 + np.exp(-number))
    '''weighted summation with activation function to compute output '''
    def compute_output(self,num1,num2):
        hidden_layer_input1 = self.sigmoid((num1 * self.x1) + (num2 * self.y1))
        hidden_layer_input2 = self.sigmoid((num1 * self.x2) + (num2 * self.y2))
        return ((hidden_layer_input1*self.z1) + (hidden_layer_input2 * self.z2))
    '''mean swaured error error between the actual output with the output generated by the algorithm '''
    def compare_ouput(self,data):
        '''actually,better to find error between all tests. add all the errors up'''
        error = 0
        for key in data.data_dict:
            error += abs(data.data_dict[key] - self.compute_output(key[0],key[1])) **2
        return error/len(data.data_dict)
       # return abs(actual - self.compute_output(num1,num2))

    '''TODO function that changes the weight depending on the errors using gradient descent'''
    '''first make it random'''
    '''next perhaps change weights for each test and average out the adjustments for each weight'''
    def random_back_propagation(self):
        error = 100000
        while error>0.1:
            self.x1 = random() 
            self.x2 = random()
            self.y1 = random()
            self.y2 = random()
            self.z1 = random()
            self.z2 = random()
            error = self.compare_ouput(
        '''learning rate is the amount the weights are updated during training'''
    def back_propagation(self, learning_rate):
       for _ in range(1000):
            for key in
                num1, num2 = key
                target =[key]
                hidden_layer1_output = self.sigmoid((num1 * self.x1) + (num2 * self.y1))
                hidden_layer2_output = self.sigmoid((num1 * self.x2) + (num2 * self.y2))
                output = ((hidden_layer1_output * self.z1) + (hidden_layer2_output * self.z2))
                error = target - output
                #check if you are happpy with the error    
                output_unit1  = output * (1 - output) * (error)
                hidden_unit1 = hidden_layer1_output * (1 - hidden_layer1_output) * self.z1 * output_unit1
                hidden_unit2 = hidden_layer2_output * (1 - hidden_layer2_output) * self.z2 * output_unit1
                self.z1 += (learning_rate * output * hidden_layer1_output)
                self.z2 += (learning_rate * output * hidden_layer2_output) 
                self.x2 += (learning_rate * hidden_unit2 * num1)
                self.x1 += (learning_rate * hidden_unit1 * num1)
                self.y1 += (learning_rate * hidden_unit1 * num2) 
                self.y2 += (learning_rate * hidden_unit2 * num2)
data = Data(200)
neural = Neural(data)

I tried changing the learning rate, number of itterations, number of items in the data set but I'm not sure if the problem is with trying to find correct values to use or if my function is just incorrect


  • There are some problems with your current approach. I'll try to elaborate in the following sections.

    Loss function

    The loss function you are currently using is error = target - output. At first glance it seems to work, because if target and output are equal, error will be 0. But remember that the network will try to minimize the loss function, and in this case one of the ways to do it is by generating an extremely large output, so that error will be negative.

    I suggest using something like an MSE (Mean Squared Error): error = (target - output) ** 2. That way, if the network wants to minimize it, it will have no choice but to try to make target and output equal.

    Gradient updates

    Currently you are updating your parameters with the positive gradient self.z1 += (learning_rate * gradient). The gradient points to the direction of greatest increase of the loss function. We don't want to increase the loss. We want to go in the direction of greatest decrease, so we use the negative gradient self.z1 -= (learning_rate * gradient).

    The sigmoid function

    You are using a sigmoid as the activation function for some of your hidden units. Here's the sigmoid graph: The sigmoid function

    Notice that when X > 6 or X < -6, the sigmoid basically flatlines. This flatline translates into an extremely small gradient, practically 0, and that means the parameters update extremely slowly or not at all. The network is saturated.

    The data that you are feeding to the network consists of numbers that are larger than what neural networks normally work with. Consider that one of your hidden units had its weights randomly initialized to 0.5 and 0.3. Now you feed the network with the numbers you wish to sum: 50 and 20. The computation at the hidden unit will be sigmoid(50 * 0.5 + 20 * 0.3) which is sigmoid(31), and its derivative is effectively 0.

    If you still wanna use the sigmoid, I recommend that you preprocess your input data so that the network won't receive such large numbers. For example, you can divide every input by 100, as the largest possible integer in the training data is 100.

    Putting it all together

    Below is the code with the above mentioned problems fixed. As it uses a different loss function, all of the gradients are different (feel free to double check as I'm not that confident in calculus). I also added a print to keep track of the loss across epochs.

    from random import randint, random, uniform
    import numpy as np
    class Data:
        data_dict = {}
        def __init__(self, limit):
            self.limit = limit
        """creates data but beware that the limit may not be the same as the size of the dictionary"""
        def create_data(self):
            for i in range(self.limit):
                num1 = randint(0, 100)
                num2 = randint(0, 100)
                self.data_dict[(num1, num2)] = num1 + num2
    """ you compare the error with every test in the data set and find weights that minimise the error"""
    class Neural:
        def __init__(self, data):
            self.x1 = uniform(-1, 1)
            self.x2 = uniform(-1, 1)
            self.y1 = uniform(-1, 1)
            self.y2 = uniform(-1, 1)
            self.z1 = uniform(-1, 1)
            self.z2 = uniform(-1, 1)
   = data
        def relu(self, number):
            return max(0, number)
        def sigmoid(self, number):
            return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-number))
        """weighted summation with activation function to compute output """
        def compute_output(self, num1, num2):
            num1, num2 = num1 / 100, num2 / 100
            hidden_layer_input1 = self.sigmoid((num1 * self.x1) + (num2 * self.y1))
            hidden_layer_input2 = self.sigmoid((num1 * self.x2) + (num2 * self.y2))
            return 100 * ((hidden_layer_input1 * self.z1) + (hidden_layer_input2 * self.z2))
        """mean swaured error error between the actual output with the output generated by the algorithm """
        def compare_ouput(self, data):
            """actually,better to find error between all tests. add all the errors up"""
            error = 0
            for key in data.data_dict:
                error += abs(data.data_dict[key] - self.compute_output(key[0], key[1])) ** 2
            return error / len(data.data_dict)
        # return abs(actual - self.compute_output(num1,num2))
        """TODO function that changes the weight depending on the errors using gradient descent"""
        """first make it random"""
        """next perhaps change weights for each test and average out the adjustments for each weight"""
        def random_back_propagation(self):
            error = 100000
            while error > 0.1:
                self.x1 = random()
                self.x2 = random()
                self.y1 = random()
                self.y2 = random()
                self.z1 = random()
                self.z2 = random()
                error = self.compare_ouput(
            print(self.compute_output(140, 15))
            """learning rate is the amount the weights are updated during training"""
        def back_propagation(self, learning_rate):
            for epoch in range(1000):
                errors = []
                for key in
                    num1, num2 = key
                    target =[key]
                    # Rescaling everything
                    num1, num2 = num1 / 100, num2 / 100
                    target = target / 100
                    hidden_layer1_output = self.sigmoid((num1 * self.x1) + (num2 * self.y1))
                    hidden_layer2_output = self.sigmoid((num1 * self.x2) + (num2 * self.y2))
                    output = (hidden_layer1_output * self.z1) + (hidden_layer2_output * self.z2)
                    # loss
                    error = (target - output) ** 2
                    # check if you are happpy with the error
                    # derivative of error with respect to output
                    # d(error)/d(output) = -2 * (target - output)
                    # derivative of error with respect to x1
                    # d(error)/d(x1) = d(error)/d(output) * d(output)/d(x1)
                    #                                                      /-> hidden_layer1_output
                    # d(error)/d(x1) = d(error)/d(output) * ( d(output)/d(hl1) * d(hl1)/d(x1) )
                    #   derivative of output with respect to hl1
                    #   d(output)/d(hl1) = z1
                    #   derivative of hl1 with respect to x1
                    #   d(hl1)/d(x1) = hidden_layer1_output * (1 - hidden_layer1_output) * num1
                    # d(error)/d(x1) = -2 * (target - output) * z1 * hidden_layer1_output * (1 - hidden_layer1_output) * num1
                    self.x1 -= learning_rate * -2 * (target - output) * self.z1 * hidden_layer1_output * (1 - hidden_layer1_output) * num1
                    self.y1 -= learning_rate * -2 * (target - output) * self.z1 * hidden_layer1_output * (1 - hidden_layer1_output) * num2
                    self.x2 -= learning_rate * -2 * (target - output) * self.z2 * hidden_layer2_output * (1 - hidden_layer2_output) * num1
                    self.y2 -= learning_rate * -2 * (target - output) * self.z2 * hidden_layer2_output * (1 - hidden_layer2_output) * num2
                    # derivative of error with respect to z1
                    # d(error)/d(z1) = d(error)/d(output) * d(output)/d(z1)
                    #   derivative of output with respect to z1
                    #   d(output)/d(z1) = hidden_layer1_output
                    # d(error)/d(z1) = -2(target - output) * hidden_layer1_output
                    self.z1 -= learning_rate * -2 * (target - output) * hidden_layer1_output
                    self.z2 -= learning_rate * -2 * (target - output) * hidden_layer2_output
                    # print(self.x1, self.x2, self.y1, self.y2, self.z1, self.z2)
                print(f"Mean error: {np.mean(errors)}")
    data = Data(2000)
    neural = Neural(data)
    print(f"15 + 7 = {neural.compute_output(15, 7)}")
    print(f"3 + 2 = {neural.compute_output(3, 2)}")
    print(f"50 + 70 = {neural.compute_output(50, 70)}")