How can I get a user avatar if the user is not in the same guild as the bot, but in mutual guilds?
I'm trying to get the user avatar from a mutual server.
You can use await bot.fetch_user(user_id)
to retrieve any user. You don't want to use bot.get_user(user_id)
for various reasons here.
You can use the avatar URL by using user.avatar.url
(user being the class fetched by bot.fetch_user()
and avatar
is an asset links below)
async def avatar_from_another_guild(ctx, id_:str): # id_ is the user id to fetch
user = await bot.fetch_user(int(id_)) # retrieve user here
await ctx.response.send_message(user.avatar) # send final product
except AttributeError as err: # error catching if invalid id is inserted
await ctx.response.send_message("User not found." + str(err))
@bot.slash_command() # this is the only difference, everything else is the same
async def avatar_from_another_guild(ctx, id_):
user = await bot.fetch_user(int(id_))
await ctx.respond(user.avatar)
except AttributeError:
await ctx.respond("User not found.")
Note: product is the same for both