I am building an app using python-eel in chrome mode (Front end : in HTML, CSS & JS). The problem is I use a function which resize the window on resizing the window so that my app content looks good (without extra space & some hidden content.
JavaScript code :-
sideBar.style.display="none"; // Hiding aside bar on startup
function setsize(){
if (sideBar.style.display != "none"){window.resizeTo(510,600);} // If aside is shown/open
else{window.resizeTo(310,600);}; // If aside is hidden
function showaside(){ // Function for hiding or unhiding the aside
if(sideBar.style.display != "none"){
sideBar.style.display = "none";
sideBar.style.display = "block";
But the problem is when I start the app, window is resized to 295px x 561px but size which I set is 310px x 600px.
Note : This problem is only occurring in Windows10, when I tried to run my app in Ubuntu (linux), it is working according to my desire.
Please let me know where this problem is occurring, Thanks a lot in advance.
I was facing this problem for a long, but now I have found a way to adjust screen size of python-eel window which not only works in Windows also gives exact size in Linux. Even in which mode you use, such as: chrome, edge etc.
JavaScript :
function setsize(){
var y = 600;
var x;
if(sideBar.style.display != "none"){x = 510;}
else{x = 310};
if(window.innerWidth != x || window.innerHeight != y){
var width = x - window.innerWidth; //innerWidth is read only
var height=y - window.innerHeight; //innerHeight is also read only
window.resizeTo(x + width, y + height);
This all is just because this JavaScript function resize the python-eel window according to outer width and height this function will adjust the height according to inner width and height.
I hope this will helpful for you.