I am at a loss on the SerializeJSON
output of a CFQUERY. The below code:
<cfsetting showdebugoutput="yes">
<cfheader name="Content-Type" value="application/json">
<cfquery name="GetData" datasource="dsn">
with cte as (
select distinct ZipCode from db.dbo.table1 where ZipCode in (#URL.Zip#)
, '##' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(max), CRYPT_GEN_RANDOM(3), 2) as Color
from cte
<cfcatch type="any">
Error: <cfoutput>#cfcatch.message#</cfoutput>
creates this output:
when the #URL.ZIP#
variable = 60050,54814
I need the DATA
component to have the JSON formatted with the zip code as a key and the color code as a data value.
How do I tell SerializeJSON
I need it that way?
You can you the 2nd argument(queryFormat
) in SerializeJSON(data[, queryFormat[, useSecureJSONPrefix[, useCustomSerializer]]])
serializeJSON(GetData, 'STRUCT')
The result will look something like this.
[{"ZIPCODE": "54814","COLOR": "#3269B7"}, {"ZIPCODE": "60050","COLOR": "#DC3E08"}]