I am trying to add a rank_list from the sortable library in a Shiny application. This seems to work fine if the input is in the fluid page part of the UI. When I add it to a shinyalert() or a modal, the input shows up in popup but the choices aren't sortable or even selectable.
In the repex below I have added a selectInput to see if it renders that correctly and interactively - it does.
labels <- list(
htmltools::tags$div(htmltools::em("Complex"), " html tag without a name"),
"five" = htmltools::tags$div(htmltools::em("Complex"), " html tag with name: 'five'")
rank_list_multi <- rank_list(
text = "You can select multiple items, then drag as a group",
labels = labels,
input_id = "rank_list_multi",
options = sortable_options(multiDrag = TRUE)
ui <- fluidPage(rank_list_multi,
actionButton("showAlert", "Show in popup"))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
observeEvent(input$showAlert, {
print("Show popup")
title = "Reorder this object",
html = TRUE,
closeOnClickOutside = TRUE,
showConfirmButton = TRUE,
text = tagList(
selectInput("alertTextInput", "Select Letter", choices = c("a", "b", "C"))
shinyApp(ui, server)
Sortable working on the main page:
Sortable NOT working in the pop up modal:
I saw this link asking the same but not for the shiny package sortable Any help is appreciated
The problem here is that you're trying to use the same UI object in two locations: the rank_list_multi
appears in both the main fluidPage
and in the shinyalert
You should create two separate sortable objects each with a unique input_id
. You can do this using a generator function like I've constructed below.
#' Construct a sortable rank list object.
#' @param input_id The shiny ID used to construct the rank list.
construct_rank_list <- function(input_id) {
text = "Drag to Reorder",
labels = c(1:5),
input_id = input_id,
options = sortable_options(multiDrag = TRUE)
ui <- fluidPage(construct_rank_list("rank_list_multi"),
actionButton("showAlert", "Show in popup"))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
observeEvent(input$showAlert, {
title = "Reorder this object",
html = TRUE,
closeOnClickOutside = TRUE,
showConfirmButton = TRUE,
text = tagList(
shinyApp(ui, server)