
How to simulate a key press for 5 seconds on the keyboard using TestCafe

I tried to send it to the browser console by pressing .pressKey("PageDown"), after tracking it, but nothing came of it. Who can tell what steps to take next, maybe there are examples? I was told that you can use the clientfunction, but I can’t understand how to put it all together due to the lack of the same examples. The attempted code is below:

    await t
    await t.eval(() => {
    document.addEventListener("keydown", function (event) {

        if (event.key === "PageDown") {
            console.log("PageDown press");
            let isKeyPressed = false;
            let timeoutId: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout> | null = null;
            isKeyPressed = true;
            timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
                isKeyPressed = false;
                if (timeoutId !== null) {
            }, 10 * 1000); // set the timeout to the specified number of seconds
        console.log("PageDown Up");


  • The t.pressKey action simulates a sequence of "keydown", "keypress", and "keyup" events. To simulate holding a key, you can use the t.dispatchEvent action. Here is an example of its usage: https://github.com/DevExpress/testcafe/issues/1839#issuecomment-1506640783.

    Also, according to your code snippet, you need to add an event listener before the action occurs. Place the t.eval call above click and pressKey.