Assume we have a folded region, let's say of 50 rows. Let's call it "TheRegion".
After TheRegion we've got a line. Let's call it "TheLine".
Now I want to move TheLine before TheRegion without cut-and-paste it but with the "moving the line up and down" feature.
If a do the "move-the-line-up" command TheRegion unfolds and TheLine moves to the 49th line of TheRegion...
This in not what I want. I want TheLine moves before TheRegion without unfolding it...
The same problem if I try to move a folded region or an unfolded selection before or after a folded region...
How can this be done with VS Code?
This is not currently possible.
See this feature request issue: [folding] Move line up/down should skip over folded regions or folded sections #63972. (For your reference / learning purposes, this was found simply by googling "github vscode issues move line fold
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I am not aware of any workarounds.