
Change the vline thickness and font sizes of sjPlot::plot_model() output

I am trying to change the aesthetics of my plot_model() graph and am struggling. Specifically, I'd like to:

Current graph output when using the code below:

Here is the code I am currently using:


# Run the model
plotModel <- glmer(used ~ BareGround + ConiferTreeCanopy + DeciduousTreeCanopy + 
                          Developed + MesicGrass + MesicShrub + Water + XericGrass + 
                          XericShrub + (1|id) + (1|month), 
                   family = binomial(link = "logit"), 
                   data = plotData, na.action="na.fail")

# Plot the results
set_theme(base = theme_light())

state1plot <- plot_model(plotModel, show.values = TRUE, show.p = FALSE, 
                         value.offset = 0.3, title = "", 
                         axis.labels = c("Xeric Shrubs", "Xeric Grasses", "Water", 
                                         "Mesic Shrubs", "Mesic Grasses", "Developed", 
                                         "Deciduous Tree Canopy", "Conifer Tree Canopy", 
                                         "Bare Ground"), 
                          axis.lim = c(0.01, 20), 
                          colors = c("#C43302", "#EDAA25"), 
                          vline.color = "#061423", 
                          dot.size = 8, line.size = 3) + 
               theme(text = element_text(size = 20))



  • Haven't found any arguments to achieve that directly via plot_model. But one option would be to manipulate the ggplot object directly. To this end you first have to figure the index of the hline and the text layers. Then set the size for these directly via the aes_params element.

    As you provided no example data I use one of the default examples from ?lme4::glmer:

    #> Loading required package: Matrix
    # Run the model
    plotModel <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd),
      data = cbpp, family = binomial
    # Plot the results
    set_theme(base = theme_light())
    state1plot <- plot_model(plotModel,
      show.values = TRUE, show.p = FALSE,
      value.offset = 0.3, title = "",
      axis.labels = c(
        "Xeric Shrubs", "Xeric Grasses", "Water", "Mesic Shrubs",
        "Mesic Grasses", "Developed", "Deciduous Tree Canopy",
        "Conifer Tree Canopy", "Bare Ground"
      ), axis.lim = c(0.01, 20), colors = c("#C43302", "#EDAA25"),
      vline.color = "#061423", dot.size = 8, line.size = 1
    )  + 
      theme(text = element_text(size = 20))
    # vline
    state1plot$layers[[1]]$aes_params$size <- 4
    # labels
    state1plot$layers[[4]]$aes_params$size <- 8