I'm trying to import material design into my project using import maps.
But I have run into problems. I'm trying to import it via importmap, but since all material components are inside @material/[component] namespaces, but the CDN from Material design documenation proxyes to a module (UMD if i remember corectly) which is a single file which contains all those namespaces as exports.
For example:
import { MDCList } from '@material/list';
const l = new MDCList(...);
Is Equivalent to:
import { list } from 'material-design-web';
const l = new list.MDCList(...);
But there is no CDN for @material as far as I know, so is there is a way, to tell it to treat the content after the slash like a namespace inside the module?
somethink like this:
<script type="importmap">
"imports": {
"@@material/": "https://unpkg.com/material-components-web@latest/dist/material-components-web.min.js"
but this throws an error:
Uncaught TypeError: Failed to resolve module specifier "@material/list". Import Map: "@material/list" matches with "@material/" but is blocked by a null value
is there a way around this? Or do I have to just forget about using CDN? (Whitout changing the inputs)
So for the CDN version, it looks like there are no paths for it follow.
Instead all of the modules underneath paths have been web-packed into the root module, so for your particular module import you'd do this:
Import map
<script type="importmap">
"imports": {
"@material/": "https://unpkg.com/material-components-web@latest/dist/material-components-web.min.js"
Then later
import { list as MDCList } from "@material"
As an aside, I ran into the same error Failed to resolve module specifier ... but is blocked by a null value
with a slightly different circumstance. In my case it was that I didn't add a trailing slash to the right hand side of my import map entry.
EX: had this:
"tools/" : "./tools"
But instead needed this : "tools/" : "./tools/"
note the additional slash.
For your case in particular you'd need either a local path or remote CDN that served the non-webpacked module file tree. Then you'd be able to do something like:
"imports": {
"@material/": "https://fake-magic-cdn.com/material-components/"
import { MDCList } from '@material/list';
However, since your CDN serves a web-packed version, instead use the setup provided in first part of answer.