I am trying to change the distance and linkage of my heat map from the standard Euclidean Distance and Complete linkage to any other setting for a question in my homework.
We are using this data set:
this is my current code:
hm3<-heatmap(milk_matrix, scale="column", main="Heat map of the Composition of Mammals' Milk", xlab= "Nutrient", ylab = "Animal", cexRow = 0.6, cexCol = 1.1, col=heat.colors(10))
legend(x= "bottomright", legend=c("min", "med", "max"), cex = 0.6, fill=heat.colors(3))
R help for heat map says you can change the distance/ linkage by:
distfun= and hclustfun=
but I have had no luck typing something such as hclustfun= "single".
Any help would be greatly appreciated ! I can specify any distance or linkage as long as it is not Euclidean Distance and Complete linkage.
Kind Regards, Rosie :)
heat map changing distance and linkage
For the distfun
and hclustfun
arguments you have to use options already available in the stats::dist()
and stats::hclust()
(check their help). So for example for distfun
based on "maximum" distance measure instead of the default "euclidean" you can use the following:
# dist method must be one of "euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan", "canberra", "binary" or "minkowski"
main="Heat map of the Composition of Mammals' Milk",
xlab= "Nutrient",
ylab = "Animal",
cexRow = 0.6,
cexCol = 1.1,
distfun = function(x) dist(x, method = "maximum"))
legend(x= "bottomright", legend=c("min", "med", "max"), cex = 0.6, fill=heat.colors(3))