
Haskell - compute frequencies of elements in a list

I need to compute a frequency map of an input list. My attempt:

f :: (Eq a, Ord a) => (a -> a) -> Map.Map a Int -> Map.Map a Int
f x m = Map.alter id (Map.findWithDefault 0 x m + 1) m

freqs :: (Eq a, Ord a) => [a] -> Map.Map a Int
freqs xs = foldr f (Map.fromList []) xs

Needless to say, the above does not compile.

There seems to be at least one question for frequency counts, yet, in my case, there are requirements:

  1. Need to use Map.alter
  2. Need to use foldr (Map.findWithDefault might come in handy, too.)

Question: What am I missing here?


  • As your question doesn't state the thought process behind your current non-compiling solution attempt, I can't really tell where it went wrong or how to fix it, so instead I'll walk you along my own thought process in attempting to solve this problem with the given constraints.

    Before I do that, some general observations, that might help inform your own further attempts:

    In this answer, I'll assume that the Map module is imported as suggested in its documentation:

    import Data.Map (Map)
    import qualified Data.Map as Map

    So the task seems to be counting number of occurrences for all distinct elements of a list, using Map.alter and foldr, returning the result as a Map from elements to number or occurrences.

    Idea: Let's start with an empty map, and look at the elements of the list one by one, generating updated maps accounting for the elements seen so far.

    Can we use Map.alter for getting from one of these maps to the subsequent one? Let's look at its signature:

    alter :: Ord k => (Maybe a -> Maybe a) -> k -> Map k a -> Map k a 

    So if we pass a function from Maybe a to Maybe a and a key, we'll get a function that "changes" a map (takes one such map as an argument and returns a map of the same type). The documentation doesn't spell out what the Maybe a argument will be passed to that function we pass as first argument to Map.Alter, but it seems quite plausible that it's Just the previous value at the key in question if present, and Nothing otherwise. The role of the return value is clear from the examples given in the documentation: Nothing "deletes" the entry (i.e., omits it from the resulting Map), Just x "modifies" the value of the entry at the given key to x if already present or "inserts" the key-value par with the given key and value x if it wasn't already in the passed Map.

    So we need a function we can plug as first argument into Map.alter. That function will receive Just the previous count for the element at question or Nothing if it didn't occur yet and will have to return Just the new count considering one more occurrence of the element, i.e., increase it by one. We can easily write that function:

    inc :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
    inc Nothing = Just 1
    inc (Just n) = Just $ n + 1

    We have to use foldr. Probably it's to handle all elements from the input list. Let's look at its signature:

    foldr :: Foldable t => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b

    We know we are dealing with not just any Foldable, but specifically with a list, so for our case, this becomes

    foldr @[] :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b

    (In GHCi, you can query this with :t foldr @[].)

    We can use our input list as the third argument (of type [a]). Type b is the type of both, the end result and of the intermediate results (which one might consider accumulators). From our idea stated above, we can conclude that Map a Int fits nicely as b. The second argument of foldr is the "start value" of the "accumulator". According to said idea, it must be Map.empty.

    So what's still missing is the first argument, a function from a (type of the elements of the list) and b (the Map a Int representing the counts so far) to b (another Map a Int, representing the counts updated with the occurrence of that element). I'll call that function considerOccurence, because it gives us a map of updated tallies considering one more occurrence of a specific element. It's type must be Ord a => a -> Map a Int -> Map a Int. With Map.alter and our inc from above, we can easily implement it:

    considerOccurence :: Ord a => a -> Map a Int -> Map a Int
    considerOccurence x previousCounts = Map.alter inc x previousCounts

    or in point-free notation:

    considerOccurence :: Ord a => a -> Map a Int -> Map a Int
    considerOccurence = Map.alter inc

    Now we can plug considerOccurence into foldr to get the function we want for the overall task:

    freqs :: Ord a => [a] -> Map a Int
    freqs xs = foldr considerOccurence Map.empty xs

    or in point-free notation

    freqs :: Ord a => [a] -> Map a Int
    freqs = foldr considerOccurence Map.empty

    In case you want it all in a single top-level function:

    freqs :: Ord a => [a] -> Map a Int
    freqs = foldr considerOccurence Map.empty
        considerOccurence = Map.alter inc
        inc Nothing = Just 1
        inc (Just n) = Just $ n + 1

    Let's test it:

    >>> freqs "Missisippi"
    fromList [('M',1),('i',4),('p',2),('s',3)]