
Create subdirectories using PowerShell

I have a CSV file that includes custoomers informations, from it I'm able to create folders for each customers using the below script :

$Names = Import-Csv -Path “$PSScriptRoot\Info.csv” | Select-Object customer, info 

Set-Location -Path "$PSScriptRoot\Collection" 

foreach($customer in $Names) { 

$CustomerPath = '{0}{1}' -f $Customer.customer, $Customer.Info 

if (Test-Path -Path .\$CustomerPath) { 

$Message = '{0}{1} {2} exists' -f "`t", $Customer.Client, $Customer.Info 

Write-Message -Message $Message -ForegroundColor Green 


else { $null = mkdir $CustomerPath 

$Message = '{0}{1} {2} created' -f "`t", $Customer.Client, $Customer.Info 

Write-Host -Message $Message -ForegroundColor Green 



My issues is that I'm not able to create subdirectories for each customers. in other work I need to create some other folders into each customer folders that will receive files collections, for example CSV files [other data], excel files and so on...

structure should be :

customerFolder | CSV folder ESXCEL Folder DOC Folder

I already tried to modify my script above in order to create sub-directories without success. as also I'm trying to use test-path in order to avoid to create the same folders.


  • You have several problems in this code.

    First you use the $Customer variable in two different contexts. I changed the reference in the ForEach loop to $Cust to eliminate this problem.

    You're using formatting commands where simple string expansion will do.

    While using PowerShell stick to PowerShell commands, i.e. New-Item vs MkDir.

    I'd also suggest indention of your code structures to make reading easier.

    NOTE: In the code below I changed your references to $PSScriptRoot to a fixed directory for testing purposes in the PowerShell ISE>

    Input File:

    Mickey Mouse,Disney
    Iron Man,Marvel


    $Names = Import-Csv -Path “G:\BEKDocs\Scripts\Info.csv” | Select-Object customer, info 
    Set-Location -Path "G:\BEKDocs\Scripts\Test\Collection" 
    foreach($Cust in $Names) { 
      $CustomerPath = "$($Cust.customer)$($Cust.Info)"  
      if (Test-Path -Path .\$CustomerPath) { 
        $Message = "Exists :`t $($Cust.Customer)$($Cust.Info)"
        Write-Host $Message -ForegroundColor Green 
      else { 
        $null = New-Item -Name $CustomerPath -ItemType Directory -Force
        $Message = "Created:`t $($Cust.Customer)$($Cust.Info)"
        Write-Host $Message -ForegroundColor Red 
    } #End ForEach

    Sample Output: (color coding didn't show up when pasted)

    Created:     Mickey MouseDisney
    Exists :     Iron ManMarvel