I am trying to create a Stack using AWS CDK (in Javascript). In my stack, I would like to create a NAT gateway in a public subnet that is referenced by Route Table in my private subnet. Pretty standard stuff.
Below is a snippet of the relevant code I have to create the infra for this
const vpc = new ec2.CfnVPC(this, `${applicationName}-vpc`, {
cidrBlock: '',
const publicSubnet1 = new ec2.PublicSubnet(this, `${applicationName}-public1`, {
availabilityZone: availabilityZone1,
cidrBlock: '',
vpcId: vpc.attrVpcId,
mapPublicIpOnLaunch: true
const webserverNatGatewayEIP = new ec2.CfnEIP(this, `${applicationName}-webserver-natgwEIP`)
const webserverNatGateway = new ec2.CfnNatGateway(this, `${applicationName}-webserver-natgw`, {
subnetId: publicSubnet1.subnetId,
allocationId: webserverNatGatewayEIP.attrAllocationId,
tags: [{
key: 'Name',
value: `${applicationName}-webserver-natgw`
This is fine. However, when I try to create my route table and a route to that NAT gateway as follows:
const webserverRouteTable = new ec2.CfnRouteTable(this, `${applicationName}-webserver-rtb`, {
vpcId: vpc.attrVpcId
// not working, need to debug
const webserverRouteTableNatGWRoute = new ec2.CfnRoute(this, 'webserver-rt-natgw-route', {
routeTableId: webserverRouteTable.attrRouteTableId,
destinationCidrBlock: '',
instanceId: webserverNatGateway.attrNatGatewayId
I am seeing the following error message when I try to deploy my stack.
Invalid id: "nat-0cfe60af88b3df93a" (Service: AmazonEC2; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidInstanceID.Malformed; Request
ID: 4ecbe914-6ead-4d05-bf8c-d87cd0c72654; Proxy: null)
I don't understand how the .attrXYZ
call for instanceId could be malformed. I am using all over the rest of my infra and it has been working just fine as similar arguments.
I manually checked via the AWS console to see if that NAT Gateway id was incorrect, and it matches perfectly. I don't see why this is failing. I guessed perhaps that maybe the NAT gateway wasn't being created in time, so I added a dependency on it via
but that didn't fix the error. Any ideas?
To answer the question directly, it is because the instanceId
prop is for an EC2 instance ID. To point it to a NAT gateway, you need to pass the gateway ID to the natGatewayId
prop instead.
Like so:
const webserverRouteTableNatGWRoute = new ec2.CfnRoute(this, 'webserver-rt-natgw-route', {
routeTableId: webserverRouteTable.attrRouteTableId,
destinationCidrBlock: '',
natGatewayId: webserverNatGateway.attrNatGatewayId // different prop name