
It is possible to bring external data processed in the Functions App to Cognitive Search?

I have a general question, context:

I want to take external data from my own api to cognitive search, since it is not possible I want to do it through the Azure Functions App, in this way I process my data and take it to Cognitive Search. Is that possible? Investigating a bit about Functions it seems that it is because I can convert my data into bloob or jsons which is just what Cognitive would need.

I want to do this because I already have my data in an external place so for ease of updating I want to get it into my architecture I need to handle it this way. Anyone an expert on the subject? I will implement my application in nodejs

Thanks in advance for all your help


  • You can get your external API with HTTP trigger using Javascript function and then download that data in your blob storage or locally and add it in your cognitive search index via this Azure Search Javascript sample or Azure Rest API and Azure Portal like below:-

    My HTTP Trigger function that gets the data from external API and gives response in the browser:-

    My functions, index.js code:-

    module.exports  =  async  function (context, req) {
    const  url  =  '';
    const  response  =  await  fetch(url);
    const  data  =  await  response.json();
    context.res  = {
    body:  data

    enter image description here

    External Data:-

    enter image description here

    Now, I referred this Azure Search JavaScript sample to create index in cognitive search with Javascript like below:-

    npm init
    npm install @azure/search-documents
    npm install dotenv


    enter image description here

    Created search.env and added my API Key and Cognitive search endpoint like below:-

    enter image description here


    const { SearchIndexClient, SearchClient, AzureKeyCredential, odata } =
    // Load the .env file if it exists require("dotenv").config();
    // Getting endpoint and apiKey from .env file const endpoint =
    process.env.SEARCH_API_ENDPOINT || ""; const apiKey =
    process.env.SEARCH_API_KEY || "";
    async function main() {
        console.log(`Running Azure Cognitive Search JavaScript quickstart...`);
        if (!endpoint || !apiKey) {
            console.log("Make sure to set valid values for endpoint and apiKey with proper authorization.");
        // remaining quickstart code will go here }
    main().catch((err) => {
        console.error("The sample encountered an error:", err); });

    Now, You can add your external API from functions to blob storage using Azure Functions Blob trigger and then import the external API's data to Search index via that Blob or directly download the data via HTTP trigger like above and add it in the Index like below:-

    You can also upload the external data file to Blob by using the code in this Document.


    const { SearchIndexClient, SearchClient, AzureKeyCredential, odata } =
    require("@azure/search-documents"); const indexDefinition =
    require('./searchquickindex.json'); const indexName =

    Complete source code

    Importing the data via Blob in Portal:-

    I uploaded my external data file in blob like below:-

    enter image description here

    And imported that blob in my search with Import Data like below:-

    enter image description here

    enter image description here