I have the following code that I've been working on:
import networkx as nx
from pyvis.network import Network
import webbrowser
# Initialize a MultiDiGraph
G = nx.MultiDiGraph()
# Add the edges and nodes
G.add_edges_from([('A', 'B'), ('B', 'A'), ('A', 'C')])
# Create a pyvis network
nt = Network(height="800px", width="1600px", notebook=True)
# Add the nodes to the network
# Add the edges to the network with arrows in both directions
for source, target in G.edges():
nt.add_edge(source, target, arrows='to')
# Show the network
# Open the HTML file in the browser
I am trying to generate a graph that has a edge that has an arrow going from 'A' to 'B', an arrow going from 'B' to 'A', and an arrow going from 'A' to 'C'.
I have tried using the bidirectional=True option, but this is not always the case for all the nodes, so I cannot have that. Been playing around with it to see what I can do, but I cannot seem to find what I am looking for.
If you set directed=True
while initiating your network you should get the result you want nt = Network(height="800px", width="1600px", notebook=True,directed=True)