
SQL Server EXEC "sp_executesql" issues - the procedure returns value but the "select Output variable " statement returns a null value

I have the following code as part of A stored procedure where I try to send emails dynamically. I try to use the @Queryresult as part of an HTML table to be added to the email body but I can't get the @Queryresult value.

`DECLARE @DataBaseName varchar(150) = 'XXXX'
DECLARE @RowList varchar(150) = '1,2,3,4'
DECLARE @MailSubject varchar(250) = CONCAT(@DataBaseName , N' - Execution Report - ' , CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)
DECLARE @QueryResult nvarchar(max)
DECLARE @tableHTML nvarchar(max)

    td = RowId,       '''',
    td = RunId,       '''',
    td = Description,       '''',
    td = ObjectId,       '''',
    td = ObjectName,       '''',
    td = ExecutionType,       '''',
    td = ExecutionTime,       '''',
    td = StartTime,       '''',
    td = EndTime,       '''',
    td = Status,       '''',
    td = StatusDescription,       '''',
    td = CreationUserId                 
    from ['+@DataBaseName+'].log.vExecutionQueue Where Rowid in ('+ @RowList +')
    FOR XML PATH(''tr''), TYPE
    ) As varchar(max) )
EXECUTE sp_executesql @sSQL, N'@QueryResult nvarchar(max) output', @QueryResult output 
select @QueryResult`

When running the code via SSMS, I get a value for the statement "EXECUTE sp_executesql @sSQL, N'@QueryResult nvarchar(max) output', @QueryResult output ". But Null value for "select @QueryResult", see screenshot.

I use the variable afterwards

Set @tableHTML =
    N'<H1>Scheduled Execution Report </H1>' +
    N'<table border="1">' +
    N'<th>RowId</th>' +
    N'<th>RunId</th>' +
    N'<th>Description</th>' +
    N'<th>ObjectId</th>' +
    N'<th>ObjectName</th>' +
    N'<th>ExecutionType</th>' +
    N'<th>ExecutionTime</th>' +
    N'<th>StartTime</th>' +
    N'<th>EndTime</th>' +
    N'<th>Status</th>' +
    N'<th>StatusDescription</th>' +
    N'<th>CreationUserId</th>' +
    N'</tr>' +
    @QueryResult +
    N'</table>' ;

I can't see what the issue is, help, please?


  • You need to assign the XML result to the variable.


    DECLARE @DataBaseName sysname = 'XXXX';
    DECLARE @RowList varchar(max) = '1,2,3,4';
    DECLARE @QueryResult nvarchar(max);
    DECLARE @tableHTML nvarchar(max);
    SET @QueryResult = (
        td = RowId,       '''',
        td = RunId,       '''',
        td = Description,       '''',
        td = ObjectId,       '''',
        td = ObjectName,       '''',
        td = ExecutionType,       '''',
        td = ExecutionTime,       '''',
        td = StartTime,       '''',
        td = EndTime,       '''',
        td = Status,       '''',
        td = StatusDescription,       '''',
        td = CreationUserId                 
      from log.vExecutionQueue
      Where Rowid in (SELECT CAST(Id AS int) FROM STRING_SPLIT(@RowList, ','))
      FOR XML PATH(''tr'')
    DECLARE @proc nvarchar(1000) = @DataBaseName + '.sys.sp_executesql';
    EXEC @proc @sSQL,
      N'@RowList varchar(max), @QueryResult nvarchar(max) output',
      @RowList = @RowList,
      @QueryResult = @QueryResult output ;
    select @QueryResult;

    You may find the XHTML table easier if you unpivot the columns into a td column and create XML from that, all within an unnamed subquery column. For example

    SET @QueryResult = (
          select td, ''
          from (values
            (CAST(RowId AS sql_variant)),
            (RunId), (Description), (ObjectId), (ObjectName), (ExecutionType),
             (ExecutionTime), (StartTime), (EndTime), (Status),
             (StatusDescription), (CreationUserId)
          ) v(td)
          FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
      from log.vExecutionQueue
      FOR XML PATH('tr')