
FIND_IN_SET - Getting partial output due to doubled values

Table "skus":


Table "plant_species"

id name
1 Plant 1
2 Plant 2
3 Plant 3

The relevant part of my MySQL code:

GROUP_CONCAT(plant_species.name SEPARATOR ', ') as plant_species_names
LEFT JOIN plant_species 
       ON FIND_IN_SET(plant_species.id, skus.plant_species_ids) > 0

Output I get:

Plant 1,Plant 2,Plant 3

Result I need to get:

Plant 1,Plant 2,Plant 3, Plant 2,Plant 3,Plant 1

From what I can tell it's acting like I'm using DISTINCT when I'm not.

Any ideas how to do this?


Here is my final code for anyone else that has this same problem: ``

SELECT orders.id, orders.customer_id, orders.invoice_amount, orders.delivery_date, orders.delivery_time, GROUP_CONCAT(skus.name SEPARATOR ', ') as sku_name, orders.sku_ids as sku_ids, orders.sku_weights as sku_weights

FROM orders

JOIN json_table(concat('[',orders.sku_ids,']'), '$[*]' columns (id int path '$')) AS species_ids

LEFT JOIN skus on skus.id=species_ids.id
WHERE orders.id=10
GROUP BY orders.id;



  • A simpler way is to wrap your ids column in brackets and expand it using json_table, but I'm not sure how to do that as a left join.

    select skus.id, GROUP_CONCAT(plant_species.name SEPARATOR ', ') as plant_species_names
    from skus
    join json_table(concat('[',skus.plant_species_ids,']'), '$[*]' columns (id int path '$')) as species_ids
    left join plant_species on plant_species.id=species_ids.id
    group by skus.id


    The original select doesn't find the later duplicate ids because the join is only comparing skus rows to plant_species rows, not the individual ids in plant_species_ids, and find_in_set will find only the first instance of a plant_species id in plant_species_ids.