
Can't grab dynamically created elements via querySelector using insertAdjacentHTML

I'm trying to grab an element from page and add an addEventHandler to it. Element (link with class .catalog__link) was dynamically created in another external function when the page was loaded using insertAdjacentHTML. I invoke them both in third js file via import keyword. Everything loads perfectly on the page, the elements are created for me, but I can’t grab them from another function connected to the page. Here’s examples of codes. I have two external function, combined in one js file and simple html page

This is fillCatalog.js (First file)

const row = document.querySelector('.catalog__row');

export const fill = function (brand) {
    .then(function (response) {
      return response.json();
    .then(function (data) {
      let products = [];

      products.forEach(product => {
          ` <a class="catalog__link" href="#" >
              <div class="catalog__product">
              <div class="catalog__product-img">
              <img class="catalog__productImg" src=${product['img-src']} alt="" srcset="" />
              <h3 class="catalog__product-model">${product['model']}</h3>
              <p class="catalog__product-brand">${product['brand']}</p>
              <span class="catalog__product-price">${product['price']}</span>

This is productSave.js (Second file)

class Product {
  constructor(cardImg, cardName, cardBrand = '', cardPrice) {
    this.cardImg = cardImg;
    this.cardName = cardName;
    this.cardBrand = cardBrand;
    this.cardPrice = cardPrice;

const links = document.querySelectorAll('.catalog__link');

export const productSave = function () {
  window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
    links.forEach(link => {
      link.addEventListener('click', e => {
        productItem = link.querySelector('.catalog__product');
        const newProduct = new Product(
            .textContent.replace(/\D/g, '')
        localStorage.setItem('newCard', JSON.stringify(newProduct));

This is third file where I invoke external function


import { fill } from './fillCatalog.js';
import { productSave } from './productSave.js';

Simple HTML

<html lang="ru">
    <!--=include head.html-->
<div class="catalog">
  <div class="catalog__content">
    <div class="catalog__row"></div>


  <script type="module" src="../js/goodscart.js"></script>
  <script type="module" src="../js/loadContent.js"></script>

I've tried use beforeend afterent and etc. Tried also use getElementsByTag, it returns empty HtmlCollection[]. After insertAdjacentHTML, can't select like usually this links.

Could anyone help me please with this issue? I can't find solution for that. Thank you


  • You need to define links inside the function to avoid it being initialized before the elements are rendered.

    Initialization of links

    class Product {
    // since this is not in a function it is initialized on import so 
    // before you render the `catalog__link` 
    const links = document.querySelectorAll('.catalog__link'); // <-- This
    export const productSave = function () {
    // <-- Should be here

    Handling the fill Promise

    Futhermore there is a fetch reuqest inside fill which returned a promise.

    Then you can properly chain the call to the following function like so

    // productSave will only be executed after the 
    // fetch from fill has concluded sucesscully
    export const fill = function (brand) {
      return fetch(`./data/${brand}.json`).then(...)
      // return as a promise

    Workaround to detect classes in dom

    You can also implement a detector that waits for at least one link to be rendered. This Promise would resolve after at least 1 item with catalog__link can be found. Then you can chain your logic with .then(...). This one also includes a timeout of 10 seconds which executes .catch(...) (if present otherwise throws) if the element was not found in time.

    new Promise((res, rej) => {
        const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
            rej("Not Found")
        }, 10000);
        const interval = setInterval(() => {
            const links = document.querySelectorAll('.catalog__link');
            if (links.length == 0) {