I am having multiple API tests which have different sets of multipart input values which vary dynamically, I want to create 1 common function which can accept these varying multiple multipart into a single multipart line so that I don't have to create multiple response functions to accept these varying values.
public test1(){
|key1 | value1|
|key2 | value2|
|key3 | value3|
public test2(){
|key1 | value1|
|key2 | value2|
public test3(){
|key1 | value1|
|key2 | value2|
|key3 | value3|
|key4 | value4|
|key5 | value5|
public void common() {
Response response = given().urlEncodingEnabled(true).config(RestAssured.config()
.encoderConfig(encoderConfig().encodeContentTypeAs("multipart/form-data", ContentType.TEXT)))
Expected logic something like which combines all multipart values into a single function:
public void common() {
.encoderConfig(encoderConfig().encodeContentTypeAs("multipart/form-data", ContentType.TEXT)))
Any pointers will be appreciated.
Something like below should match your use cases, you can add a helper method like buildMultiParts below which will take var args of type string and return the modified request with added multiparts
import static io.restassured.config.EncoderConfig.encoderConfig;
import static io.restassured.RestAssured.given;
import io.restassured.RestAssured;
import io.restassured.http.ContentType;
import io.restassured.internal.RequestSpecificationImpl;
import io.restassured.specification.RequestSpecification;
public class MultiPartExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
RestAssured.baseURI = "http://example.com"; // Set your base URL
RequestSpecification requestSpecification = buildMultiParts("key1", "value1", "key2",
"value2", "key3", "value3", "key4", "value4", "key5", "value5");
((RequestSpecificationImpl) requestSpecification).getMultiPartParams().forEach(
encoderConfig().encodeContentTypeAs("multipart/form-data", ContentType.TEXT)))
.headers("sample", "sample").post("/path");
private static RequestSpecification buildMultiParts(String... keyValues) {
if (keyValues.length % 2 != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid number of arguments");
int numPairs = keyValues.length / 2;
RequestSpecification specification = given();
for (int i = 0; i < numPairs; i++) {
int index = i * 2;
String key = keyValues[index];
String value = keyValues[index + 1];
specification.multiPart(key, value);
return specification;
You can see the output also with params added
controlName=key1, mimeType=text/plain, charset=<none>, fileName=file, content=value1, headers=[:]
controlName=key2, mimeType=text/plain, charset=<none>, fileName=file, content=value2, headers=[:]
controlName=key3, mimeType=text/plain, charset=<none>, fileName=file, content=value3, headers=[:]
controlName=key4, mimeType=text/plain, charset=<none>, fileName=file, content=value4, headers=[:]
controlName=key5, mimeType=text/plain, charset=<none>, fileName=file, content=value5, headers=[:]